Alen Horvat

PhD student
Jozef Stefan Institute
Department of Theoretical Physics
Ljubljana, Slovenia


I am currently working as a young researcher at the Jozef Stefan Institute. My supervisor is doc. dr. Jernej Mravlje and we are working on a problem of magnetism in Tc perovskites and on ab-initio simulations of thermoelectric materials.
In my masters thesis we have studied magnetic properties of Sr2TcO4 and other cubic and layered perovskites with Monte Carlo algorithms for classical spin models, which included spin frustration and long-range interactions. My research interest lies in the theory of strongly correlated materials and numerical simulations. I find these fields of research interesting because of complexity and diversity of physical phenomena.


Alen Horvat
Department of Theoretical Physics
Jozef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386-1-477-31-22             
Email address: alen.horvat at


  1. publication 1
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Preprints are available on arXiv.
